Understanding Support Vector Machine Regression 2

The Gram matrix is an n-by-n matrix that contains elements gi,j = G(xi,xj). Each element gi,j is equal to the inner product of the predictors as transformed by φ. However, we do not need to know φ, because we can use the kernel function to generate Gram matrix directly. Using this method, nonlinear SVM finds the optimal function f(x) in the transformed predictor space.

Nonlinear SVM Regression: Dual Formula

The dual formula for nonlinear SVM regression replaces the inner product of the predictors (xixj) with the corresponding element of the Gram matrix (gi,j).

Nonlinear SVM regression finds the coefficients that minimize


subject to


The function used to predict new values is equal to

f(x)=N?n=1(αnαn)G(xn,x)+b. (2)

The KKT complementarity conditions are


Solving the SVM Regression Optimization Problem

Solver Algorithms

The minimization problem can be expressed in standard quadratic programming form and solved using common quadratic programming techniques. However, it can be computationally expensive to use quadratic programming algorithms, especially since the Gram matrix may be too large to be stored in memory. Using a decomposition method instead can speed up the computation and avoid running out of memory.

Decomposition methods (also called chunking and working set methods) separate all observations into two disjoint sets: the working set and the remaining set. A decomposition method modifies only the elements in the working set in each iteration. Therefore, only some columns of the Gram matrix are needed in each iteration, which reduces the amount of storage needed for each iteration.

Sequential minimal optimization (SMO) is the most popular approach for solving SVM problems[4]. SMO performs a series of two-point optimizations. In each iteration, a working set of two points are chosen based on a selection rule that uses second-order information. Then the Lagrange multipliers for this working set are solved analytically using the approach described in [2] and [1].

In SVM regression, the gradient vector L for the active set is updated after each iteration. The decomposed equation for the gradient vector is


Iterative single data algorithm (ISDA) updates one Lagrange multiplier with each iteration[3]. ISDA is often conducted without the bias term b by adding a small positive constant a to the kernel function. Dropping b drops the sum constraint


in the dual equation. This allows us to update one Lagrange multiplier in each iteration, which makes it easier than SMO to remove outliers. ISDA selects the worst KKT violator among all the αn and αn* values as the working set to be updated.

Convergence Criteria

Each of these solver algorithms iteratively computes until the specified convergence criterion is met. There are several options for convergence criteria:

  • Feasibility gap — The feasibility gap is expressed as


    where J(β) is the primal objective and L(α) is the dual objective. After each iteration, the software evaluates the feasibility gap. If the feasibility gap is less than the value specified by GapTolerance, then the algorithm met the convergence criterion and the software returns a solution.

  • Gradient difference — After each iteration, the software evaluates the gradient vector, L. If the difference in gradient vector values for the current iteration and the previous iteration is less than the value specified by DeltaGradientTolerance, then the algorithm met the convergence criterion and the software returns a solution.

  • Largest KKT violation — After each iteration, the software evaluates the KKT violation for all the αn and αn* values. If the largest violation is less than the value specified by KKTTolerance, then the algorithm met the convergence criterion and the software returns a solution.



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