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kartaort asked: 2025-03-03

What is the imfill function in MATLAB, and how can I use it to fill holes in binary and grayscale images?

What is the imfill function in MATLAB, and how can I use it to fill holes in binary and grayscale images?

imfill, imageprocessing, matlab
kkaushalsharma111 asked: 2025-03-03

How can I effectively use switch cases in MATLAB for decision-making in my code?

How can I effectively use switch cases in MATLAB for decision-making in my code?

matlab, switch case, if else
Jason asked: 2025-01-18

how to feed a signal through a transfer function?

I'm sure this is probably really simple but I can't seem to find it. I have a z transform transfer function, given from tf, and I have an input signal. What i need is to pass the signal though the system and get the output. This is a small excerpt

transfer function , signal processing , Signal Processing Toolbox , Digital and Analog Filters
tamashika asked: 2025-01-18

How to create a python 3 class to start MATLAB and keep it running?

I'm using matlab 2017b and python 3 on windows 10. I want to create a class that can start the matlab and keep it open. However, matlab closes right after I finished the python script. Here is the code:   import matlab.engin

python , python 3 , matlab engine , External Language Interfaces , Python with MATLAB , Call MATLAB
Xinfeng Li asked: 2025-01-15

How to run .m file in python?

I have a .m code what I want to run in python. Is it any easy way? 1. this code is not a function. 2. don't want to show the matlab window.

python , matlab , Python with MATLAB , Call Python from MATLAB
Ashaya KC asked: 2025-01-15

How to PID tuning to meet conditions for settling time and overshoot

PID tuning to meet conditions for settling time and overshoot while a stable system with minimum peak time and zero velocity

pid tuning , control system , proportional gain , integral gain , settling time , overshoot
manoj saini asked: 2025-01-14

how find ramp response

what is method to find

Control Systems , Control System Toolbox , Dynamic System Models ,ramp
Vijith Natarajan asked: 2025-01-09

what is the difference between simulink control design and control system toolbox?

Hi, while going through simulink control design i came across a thing that we can linearize non linear models , Is that the only different feature we can do in simulink control design than control system toolbox? P

Control Systems , Control System Toolbox , Control System Design and Tuning , Classical Control Desi
nelson asked: 2025-01-08

how to find bode plot,phase magnitude plot and template in control system?

z=1:0.5:10; a=1:0.5:5; num=kron(z,ones(1,length(a))); i=1:length(a); deno=zeros(9,3); deno(i,1)=1; deno(i,2)=a(i); den=repmat(deno,length(z),1); n=numel(num); for m=1:n sys(m)=tf(num(m),den(m

Control Systems , Control System Toolbox , Linear Analysis , Plot Customization
John Doe asked: 2025-01-02

How to compute control system's performance parameters?

J = 0.2; b = 0.1; K = 0.2; R = 10; L = 5; s = tf('s'); p = K/((J*s+b)*(L*s+R)+K^2); step(p,200) [y,t]=step(p,200); stepinfo(y) With the following code, I want to measure the rise time. Using the stepinfo command, this is what

Control Systems , System Identification Toolbox , Model Analysis , Response Computation and Visual