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Prosenjit Paul asked: 2024-05-03

How do I make my GUI wait until a specific task is executed before resuming?

How do I make my GUI wait until a specific task is executed before resuming?  

MATLAB , App Building , Migrate GUIDE Apps , guide , waitfor
Erick asked: 2024-05-03

How to use operations in for loop problems ?

For values of 1 to 60, create a for-loop that does the following. If the value is 1 to 20, have

MATLAB , Language Fundamentals , Loops and Conditional Statements , operations , matrix
Amelie asked: 2024-04-05

How to use boxchart and GroupByColor when having a matrix?

I am trying to use a boxchart for plotting a (10000,10) matrix, where each column represents a single box.

boxchart , matrix , color , MATLAB , Graphics , Graphics Objects
dayeon asked: 2024-04-05

how to draw contour error graph by using vector-like formation data ?

hi, i want to plot following graph by using 'contour' function in matlab.

contour , error , 2-D and 3-D Plots , Contour Plots , MATLAB , Graphics
Devendra asked: 2024-04-05

How to make the figure as attached?

I want to make the same figure with little different dates using matlab. Figure is attached. Please suggest me how to make it.

plot , gantt , MATLAB , Graphics , Graphics Performance
JOJO asked: 2024-03-29

How to insert a string into a sprint?

I want the input stored into name be displayed in the %s. How can I do it? it is possible? name = input ('Enter the name of the voice command'); file = sprintf('%s.wav','name'); %name the sound file to be created  

sprint input , Signal Processing , Audio Toolbox , Audio Processing Algorithm Design
ana asked: 2024-03-29

how to create speech waves with equal loudness in matlab ?

hi frnds i want matlab

making speech wave..., Signal Processing , Audio Toolbox , Audio Processing Algorithm Design
farzad asked: 2024-03-29

Writing Data to text file gives error,unknown parameter

hi All I am trying to write some parameter to a py file as

Signal Processing , Audio Toolbox , Audio Processing Algorithm Design , fprintf , write
Shaun Sloan asked: 2024-03-28

How to create a 2-D plot to validate filter characteristics ?

I am running a test signal (white noise) through filter so that i can validate the frequency response and magnitude.

Signal Processing , Audio Toolbox , Audio Processing Algorithm Design ,dafx , anaylsis
Aravin asked: 2024-03-28

What would be the equation of the following surface?

I have the raw data of X, Y, Z, where X and Y are inputs and Z is the output. Plotting the surface gives the red curve in the below picture:

equation , surface , data , MATLAB