MATLABSolutions demonstrate how to use the MATLAB software for simulation of The objective is to design the control system of the magnetic suspension, it is used in high performance and high-speed system to get the better dynamic performance. It contains the ball which is pulled by the magnet to get float at a particular height form the ground level.
This is done with the help of the phase lead compensator and the inverting amplifier and with light detecting sensors. To control the height of the ball we have to adjust the voltage passing through the LR circuit. The height of the ball is sensed by the light collected by the sensor, which converted into the voltage signal.
At first, the dynamic of the magnetic suspension system and the related equations are presented. Regarding unstable nature and non-linearity of magnetic suspension system using techniques of liner control for achieving optimal performance so that all requirements of system are met in all domains is difficult. Then optimal controlling input for magnetic suspension system is designed using optimal control method, linear quadratic regulator (LQR) and required computations.
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