MATLABSolutions demonstrate In this particular task, step-by-step guide In this task we are going to design the PI controller for the Process plant for which we have given the data and using the provided data, the first order transfer function for the plant we can find out the parameters by observing the pen loop response plot of the system. After finding the transfer function we have to design the Cohen-Coon and Haglund-Astrom tuning method and compare the both using the Ziegler-Nicholas tuning method. We can find out the performance of the response by computing the setting time, rise time and overshoot, we can also analyse the system response by adding disturbance to the system at time of 40 seconds and by adding the saturation block X in the model.
PI Controller
Proportional plus integral controllers are another name for proportional integral controllers. It is a sort of controller made up of integral and proportional control actions. As a result, it is called a PI controller. Both proportional and integral controller control actions are used in the proportional-integral controller. When two different controllers are combined, a more effective controller is created, eliminating the drawbacks of each individual controller. It should be emphasised that integral controllers can be used independently of proportional controllers in this situation. To counteract the drawback of integral controllers, proportional and integral controllers are typically employed together. The fact that integrated controllers tend to be highly unstable is a significant drawback. This is due to the fact that integral controllers react to errors created fairly slowly.
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