Heat Transfer in Electroosmotic Flow of Power-Law Fluids in Micro-Channel

The application of CFD in bio-medical is increasing day by day. There is a lot of research going on around the world in this field. Applying CFD in this field helps to predict diseases, designing instruments for medical use etc. In this project, you will be working on finding a solution to an electroosmotic flow of power-law fluids by solving governing equations of fluid flow.
To implement this project, you should have a good understanding of CFD and mathematical modeling. At first, you have to model the physical problem, which is a flow of Power-law fluids through a rectangular microchannel. Then with the help of the governing equation of fluid flow, do mathematical modeling of the physical problem. The solution to this problem needs to be determined by using both the Analytical method and Numerical method. Determine the flow characteristics as temperature distribution, velocity distribution, the concentration distribution of non-Newtonian Power-law fluids in the rectangular microchannel. After producing the results in both methods, you have to compare the result to validate your numerical solution.
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