PV & wind hybrid system with Battery management using fuzzy controller with Grid
The proposed system presents power-control strategies of a grid- connected pv and wind generation system with versatile power transfer. This pv and wind system allows maximum utilization of freely available renewable energy sources like photovoltaic energies.We have included battery storage system with PID and fuzzy controller.
Solar Source-The solar source is used to generating power from the sun rays. A photovoltaic system makes use of some or more solar panels to convert the solar energy into electricity. It consists of various components which include the photovoltaic modules, mechanical and electrical connections and mountings and means of regulating and/or modifying the electrical output. The basic operation of PV cell is photoelectric effect. In this effect electrons ejected from the conduction band as a result of the absorption of sunlight. In a photovoltaic cell, when hits its surface, some portion of the solar energy is absorbed in the semiconductor material. The electrons moves from valance band into the conduction band when absorbed energy is greater than the band gap energy of the semiconductor. By these hole electron pairs are created in the illuminated region of the semiconductor.
The electrons are creates in the conduction band are now free to move. These free electrons are enforced to move in a particular direction by the action of electric field present in the PV cells. The electrons flowing comprise current and can be drawn for external use by connecting a metal plate on the top and bottom of PV cell. This current and voltage produces required power. The photovoltaic system can generate direct current electricity without environmental impact when is
The pitch control method is a basic approach for controlling the rotational speed of wind turbine. The conventional blade pitch angle control strategies are developed in this part. The pitch angle reference b ref,is controlled by the input values, which may be as follows:
The direct measure of the wind speed makes this control strategy simple; however this is not a pertinent procedure, because it is difficult to measure the wind speed precisely. In fact, when the rotor speed exceeds the maximum rotor speed of turbine Ωtn, the pitch angle is increased to reduce the turbine torque Ct.
The controlling rotor speed is compared with its reference. The error signal is then sent to the PI controller and produces the reference value of the pitch angle.
The error signal of the generator power is sent to a PI controller. The PI controller produces the reference pitch angle.
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