MATLABSolutions demonstrate In this task we are going to design the High-precision syringe pump using the simscape model for the syringe pump attached with the leas screw, the lead screw is operated with the DC motor for which we have given the requirements operated using the DC battery, the voltage supplied by the battery is controlled with the help of voltage controller, the current in the circuit is measure with the help of the current sensor block. The DC motor runs with the high speed with lesser torque to get the sufficient torque with lower speed we have attached the DC Motor with the simple gear with gear ratio of 1:30. Motion sensor is used to sense the velocity of the rotor for the input voltage supplied. To control the speed of the motor we used the PID controller with the reference rotor speed of 1rps, saturation block is used to supply limited value of voltage for the specified battery specification in this case we were using 2S of 7.4V battery configuration. The leadscrew attached with the syringe is 10mm/rev and the syringe linear travel rate is 100mm/min.
n this task our aim is to specify the DC Motor, power supply and the gearbox characteristics, designing the digital motor controller such as PID controller and the performance and effectiveness of the modelled designed. The CAD Model of the syringe model is given as shown below, we can control the leadscrew input rotational speed and torque using the simscape component with the help of DC motor to get the desired output
First, we model the DC Motor for the given specification of Stall current: 0.2A-1A Stall, torque: 500 g.cm, No-load speed: 20-70 rpm, Dead zone torque: 20 g.cm and that we use the DC voltage source with the connection of the current sensor in series to check the current in circuit. We observe that the speed of the motor is faster with the lower voltage with the lower torque output we add the simple gear box with the gear ratio of 1:30 which increase the torque output which lead to operate leadscrew. We have to maintain the speed of the DC motor in such a way that we get syringe linear travel rate 10mm/min. for syringe pump we have given the requirements Lead screw 10 mm/rev, Delivered flowrate 1-8 mL min, Linear travel force 100g, Syringe linear travel rate 100mm/min, Syringe radius 15mm, Syringe length 250mm, Specific gravity of fluid: 1. The Simulink model for the designed DC motor and the digital PID Controller with the tuned value of the controller as I=10, whereas P and D is set to zero to act as a Integral controller./p>
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