MATLABSolutions demonstrate In this task we are going to design the hydraulic circuit for the clamp/drill application. We have given the requirement of the system based on it we have to design the hydraulic system, after that we have to create the Simulink model by calculating the theoretical value for the both the cylinder during extending and retracting stroke. A group of parts, such as actuators, control valves, and pumps, assembled in such a way as to accomplish a beneficial duty is called a hydraulic circuit. There are three crucial factors must be taken into account while analysing or developing a hydraulic circuit is safety of operation, performance of the required function, and efficiency of operation. The circuit diagram for the clamp and drill hydraulic system is shown in Video.
SIMSCAPE simulation model
Now according to above computation and circuit diagram for the clamp and drill circuit we have construct the circuit in order to design the operation for first clamping then drilling at 1st spool position and for 2nd spool position the drill is getting up and clamp will be release. Components used to create the model is shown in Video.
The simulation result is generate using the MATLAB script which runs the simscape model and plot the results accordingly. The result and code are shown in Video.
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