MATLABSolutions demonstrate the simulation of a basic electric vehicle motor-drive system which is used for investigation of power flow in both regeneration and motoring. The simulation assumes a permanent magnet DC motor, an motor controller with ideal characteristics connected with a PI controller, and the electric battery. This model is to be used for evaluation of energy flow of electric drive and efficiency for specific speed and torque load conditions. Some of the system parameters were specified and others were modeled as ideal in this model. A Developed MATLAB/SIMULINK file is validated which is perfectly stable. Then the model is used to determine the system performance and flow of energy over a given set of regeneration and motoring speed/torque conditions. This model can be used to enlarge instruction in energy conversion or vehicle systems courses.
In the present scenario, the fuels demand is high, and their consumption increases. Due to the uses of these fuels in the vehicles Co2 gas dissipated in the large amount. The carbon dioxide gas effect the environment varies badly. The Co2 reduction is the main challenge, and it can be achieved by the Eco-friendly vehicle or car called Electric vehicle (EV). Due to the increasing cost of the fuels in the present days, the fuel cell vehicle is not economical. The EVs are very economical due to their driven process achieved by an electric motor. They do not pollute the environment. The cost of the batteries and motors are stable, so EV prefers than the fuel based vehicles.The Electric Vehicle developed by the motor, battery, controller, converters, and wheels. The motor connected to the differential of the wheels. Figure 1.1 shows the block diagram of the electric vehicle construction.
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