Solved:OENG1278 Digital Fundamentals Practical Exercise1 Introduction to MATLAB

Part 1: Weather Data – El Niño vs La Niña
In the last few years, El Niño and La Niña have been discussed in numerous news reports when explaining some of our extreme weather conditions. These two weather phenomena are related to the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) which describes the changes in atmospheric and oceanic conditions in the Pacific Ocean
over time. ENSO, as we’ve recently seen, can have drastic consequences on the weather systems in both Australia and the Americas. The La Niña weather pattern, as we’ve recently experienced, is most associated with very wet weather on Australia’s east coast while much of western South America tends to experience the opposite, with dryer than usual conditions.This weather pattern is caused by stronger than usual Pacific trade winds causing an increase in temperature in the waters near Australia, resulting in increased rainfall.
In the first part of this practical you’ll be required to import a CSV file containing weather measurements for Melbourne over a 78-year period (1944 – 2022) and use this to see if the data does in fact demonstrate the above generalisations are true (i.e. Rainfall is lower than average in El Niño periods and higher than average during La Niña periods). This CSV file we will be using is ‘Weather_Data.csv.’ It contains two initial rows indicating the years and months as well as rows showing the average monthly maximum temperatures (in oC), total monthly rainfall (in mm) and whether a month was considered an El Niño, La Niña or neutral period (1 indicates true and 0 false for these).

Create a program in MATLAB that:
1. Imports the CSV file
2. Plots a graph showing the average rainfall and temperatures for all 12 months of the year.
3. Determines and displays on the Command Window Melbourne’s average max. temperature and monthly  rainfall over the whole 78- year period.
4. Determines and displays on the Command Window Melbourne’s average monthly rainfall in El Niño periods  and in La Niña periods. Show and discuss how these contrast to the general average for all periods.

Using the information given on the previous page determine the input you have/need to solve the problem and what you need to output to accomplish the objective.

Points to be addressed:
• What input data types do you need/have (numeric, words, images, graphical, files?). Describe these in detail including format of any files needing to be imported.
• Also think about what you’ll need to output to fulfil this task, (numbers, words, images, graphical output?). Describe these in detail.
• What assumptions (if any) are you making to help you solve/simplify the problem

Using the information given on the previous pages, determine:
• Which rows and columns will you need from the CSV file to do what you want?
• The order your program will be required to perform operations in (use a flowchart to show this).
• What equations do you need to help do this (statistical operators such as the mean or sum).
Points to be addressed:
• Make sure you have clearly shown the flow of your program as a flow- chart giving clear indications of the order you need to perform operations in.
• Show evidence your selected equations/formulae will work by testing your algorithm using a small set of data from the CSV file.
• Make sure all this section is neatly typed (not handwritten) in your write-up.

Now, in a new MATLAB script file implement your algorithm. You will need to import the Weather_data.csv file and use your algorithm to output the required statistical parameters in an appropriate format.
Points to be addressed:
• Make sure to test your program and perform a reality check by comparing your MATLAB output to either your handworked answer from task 3, or the following BoM site: They should be the same or at least very close. If not, troubleshoot your program to find where the mistake is.
• Make sure all data imported and used for this task are stored in appropriately named variables and you have appropriately commented your code.
• Make sure you appropriately label your x and y axes on your graphs (use the xlabel() and ylabel() functions to do this). This is really very important; your tutor needs to know what all your axes mean when assessing your work.

Part 2: A Weather User Interface
For the second part of this practical task, you’ll be required to write a program in MATLAB that will prompt your user to enter a single year (between 1944 – 2022) onto the Command Window. Your program will then perform some simple statistical  analyses on the weather data for just that year, and appropriately display this to the user.
The statistical data required from this part of the program will include:
• A graph of the average maximum temperatures for each month of that year.
• A graph showing the total rainfall for each month of that particular year.
• The hottest month (i.e. the month that had the highest average maximum temperature).
• The coldest month (i.e. the month that had the lowest average maximum temperature).
• The wettest month (i.e. the month that had the highest total rainfall).
• The total rainfall for the entire year.
• Please note: Again, your program must not contain any loops (for or while - loops), conditional statements (if-elseif-else or switch-case statements) or user-defined functions. Data imported from the CSV file must only be accessed and manipulated using indexing.
• Make sure you’ve watched the lecture videos on indexing and ask teaching staff questions about this if you’re stuck.
• Please also refer to the list of useful functions at the end of this document (Table I) for some of the input/output, statistics and plotting functions available in MATLAB.
- Please note: Your program must not contain any loops (for or while-loops), conditional statements (if-elseif-else or switch-case statements) or user-defined functions. Data imported from the CSV file must only be accessed and manipulated using indexing.
- Make sure you’ve watched the lecture videos on indexing and ask teaching staff questions about this if you’re stuck.
- Please also refer to the list of useful functions at the end of this document (Table I) for statistics and plotting functions available in MATLAB. provides guaranteed satisfaction with a commitment to complete the work within time. Combined with our meticulous work ethics and extensive domain experience, We are the ideal partner for all your homework/assignment needs. We pledge to provide 24*7 support to dissolve all your academic doubts. We are composed of 300+ esteemed Matlab and other experts who have been empanelled after extensive research and quality check. provides undivided attention to each Matlab assignment order with a methodical approach to solution. Our network span is not restricted to US, UK and Australia rather extends to countries like Singapore, Canada and UAE. Our Matlab assignment help services include Image Processing Assignments, Electrical Engineering Assignments, Matlab homework help, Matlab Research Paper help, Matlab Simulink help. Get your work done at the best price in industry.