MATLABSolutions demonstrate In this task we are going to design To classify objects based on their roundness using bwboundaries, a boundary tracing routine in MATLAB, you can follow these general steps:
Preprocessing: If necessary, preprocess your binary image to ensure proper segmentation and object detection. This may involve thresholding, morphological operations, or noise reduction techniques.
Object Detection: Use bwboundaries to trace the boundaries of objects in the binary image. This function returns a cell array where each cell contains the coordinates of the boundary pixels for a single object.
Roundness Calculation: Calculate the roundness of each object based on its boundary. Roundness can be defined in various ways, such as the ratio of the object's area to its perimeter, circularity, or eccentricity.
Classification: Based on the roundness metric calculated in the previous step, classify the objects into different categories or groups. For example, you may classify objects as "round" or "non-round" based on a threshold value.
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