MATLABSolutions demonstrate In this task we are going to design The proposed system presents power-control strategies of a load -connected with battery and wind generation system with versatile power transfer. This wind system allows maximum utilization of freely available renewable energy sources like wind energy.We have included battery storage system fuzzy controller.
The pitch control method is a basic approach for controlling the rotational speed of wind turbine. The conventional blade pitch angle control strategies are developed in this part. The pitch angle reference b ref,is controlled by the input values, which may be as follows:
The direct measure of the wind speed makes this control strategy simple; however this is not a pertinent procedure, because it is difficult to measure the wind speed precisely. In fact, when the rotor speed exceeds the maximum rotor speed of turbine Ωtn, the pitch angle is increased to reduce the turbine torque Ct.
The controlling rotor speed is compared with its reference. The error signal is then sent to the PI controller and produces the reference value of the pitch angle.
The error signal of the generator power is sent to a PI controller. The PI controller produces the reference pitch angle.
Charging and discharging strategies
Generally, lifetime of battery depends upon frequency of charging and discharging of it, it can shorten the lifetime of the battery, and we should keep in mind that battery should not overcharge or insufficiently charge. The power generated from renewable source of energy is always unstable naturally. With such a renewable energy generation system the issue is when and how the battery ought to be charged to give the best vitality effectiveness and to delay the existence time.
If the generated power is excessive it should charge the battery. It is very difficult to decide whether battery should attain charging mode or discharging mode mathematically, so we have implemented fuzzy l, so systems based on empirical rules may be more effective. We employ fuzzy control strategy to solve this problem that will be discussed in detail in the following sections-
A. Fuzzy Control
Fuzzy control theory is designed for the hybrid system to achieve the optimization of the system. The design criterion requires that both the photovoltaic device and the wind turbine are supplied by a maximum power point tracker to maintain the maximum operating point. The difference between actual load and total generated power is considered for Li-ion battery in charge and discharge modes. The life cycle and SOC of the battery are in direct proportion. To improve the life of the Li-ion battery, we can control and maintain the SOC of battery with fuzzy control. The fuzzy controller is applied in the proposed hybrid power supply system.
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