Arduino MATLAB Projects

Arduino Uno IR Sensor Project

This project is used to control the light-emitting diodes using an infrared sensor as well as a remote. Whenever a remote button is pressed, then an infrared signal can transmit to the infrared sensor in the form of code. After that, this sensor will receive the signal and transmits it to the Arduino.

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ATmega328 Arduino Uno Board Working and Its Applications

The Arduino Uno is one kind of microcontroller board based on ATmega328, and Uno is an Italian term which means one. Arduino Uno is named for marking the upcoming release of microcontroller board namely Arduino Uno Board 1.0. This board includes digital I/O pins-14, a power jack, analog i/ps-6, ceramic resonator-A16 MHz, a USB connection, an RST button, and an ICSP header. All these can support the microcontroller for further operation by connecting this board to the computer. The power supply of this board can be done with the help of an AC to DC adapter, a USB cable, otherwise a battery. This article discusses what is an Arduino Uno microcontroller, pin configuration, Arduino Uno specifications or features, and applications.

The applications of Arduino Uno include the following.

  • Arduino Uno is used in Do-it-Yourself projects prototyping.
  • In developing projects based on code-based control
  • Development of Automation System
  • Designing of basic circuit designs.

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A Low-cost Real Color Picker Based on Arduino

Color measurements have traditionally been linked to expensive and difficult to handle equipment. The set of mathematical transformations that are needed to transfer a color that we observe in any object that doesn’t emit its own light (which is usually called a color-object) so that it can be displayed on a computer screen or printed on paper is not at all trivial. This usually requires a thorough knowledge of color spaces, colorimetric transformations and color management systems.

The TCS3414CS color sensor (I2C Sensor Color Grove), a system for capturing, processing and color management that allows the colors of any non-self-luminous object using a low-cost hardware based on Arduino, is presented in this paper. Specific software has been developed in Matlab and a study of the linearity of chromatic channels and accuracy of color measurements for this device has been undertaken. All used scripts (Arduino and Matlab) are attached as supplementary material. The results show acceptable accuracy values that, although obviously do not reach the levels obtained with the other scientific instruments, for the price difference they present a good low cost option.

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Demonstration of a Low Cost C.O.T.S. Rendezvous Depth Sensor for Satellite Proximity Operations

With the quest to undertake ambitious tasks in space, proximity operations involving multiple spacecraft are expected to increase. A vital part of any proximity operation is the relative range and pose measurement between spacecraft and target. In the past sensors have been expensive and only capable of being used with cooperative targets. Recent years have seen the start of a technology race to bring low cost depth sensors(LIDARS) to consumer devices. The aim of this project is to demonstrate that one of these low cost C.O.T.S. depth sensors could be used in close proximity operations to facilitate rendezvous and docking operations for CubeSat sized satellites. This report details the selection of a low cost LIDAR, the Softkinetic DS325. A Linux ARM driver is developed to interface this with a Raspberry Pi to process depth data and obtain range and pose estimation. Test hardware is developed to facilitate in the loop testing using simulator satellites on air bearings simulating a 2D frictionless environment.

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Sensory Computing and Object Processing Entity: Assistive Robotics for Healthcare

Team SCOPE has created an assistive robot for healthcare delivery. The robot is mobile, responds to spoken commands, and possesses Artificial Intelligence (AI). It extracts meanings about the patient’s health from conversations and visual interactions. It summarizes these observations into reports that could be merged with the patient’s Electronic Health Records (EHRs). This process aids healthcare professionals in delivering better care by augmenting attendance, increasing accuracy of patient information collection, aiding in diagnosis, streamlining data collection, and automating the process of ingesting and incorporating this information into EHR systems. SCOPE’s solution uses cloud-based AI services along with local processing. Using VEX Robotics parts and an Arduino microcontroller, SCOPE created a mobile platform for the robot. The robotic platform implements basic motions and obstacle avoidance. These separate systems are integrated using a Java master program, Node-Red, and IBM Watson cloud services. The resulting AI can be expanded for different applications within healthcare delivery.

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Design, Characterization and Application of a Multiple Input Stethoscope Apparatus

For this project, the design, implementation, characterization, calibration and possible applications of a multiple transducer stethoscope apparatus were investigated. The multi-transducer sensor array design consists of five standard stethoscope diaphragms mounted to a rigid frame for a-priori knowledge of their relative spatial locations in the x-y plane, with compliant z-direction positioning to ensure good contact and pressure against the subject’s skin for reliable acoustic coupling. When this apparatus is properly placed on the body, it can digitally capture the same important body sounds investigated with standard acoustic stethoscopes; especially heart sounds. Acoustic signal inputs from each diaphragm are converted to electrical signals through microphone pickups installed in the stethoscope connective tubing; and are subsequently sampled and digitized for analysis. With this system, we are able to simultaneously interrogate internal body sounds at a sampling rate of 2 KHz, as most heart sounds of interest occur below 200 Hz.

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Multi-Bot Easy Control Hierarchy

The goal of our project is to create a software architecture that makes it possible to easily control a multi- robot system, as well as seamlessly change control modes during operation. The different control schemes first include the ability to implement on-board and off-board controllers. Second, the commands can specify either actuator level, vehicle level, or fleet level behavior. Finally, motion can be specified by giving a way-point and time constraint, a velocity and heading, or a throttle and angle.Our code is abstracted so that any type of robot – ranging from ones that use a differential drive set up, to three-wheeled holonomic platforms, to quadcopters – can be added to the system by simply writing drivers that interface with the hardware used and by implementing math packages that do the required calculations.

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An Event Reporting and Early-Warning Safety System based on the Internet of Things for Underground Coal Mines: A Case Study Using MATLAB

Fatal accidents associated with underground coal mines require the implementation of high-level gas monitoring and miner's localization approaches to promote underground safety and health. This study introduces a real-time monitoring, event-reporting and early-warning platform, based on cluster analysis for outlier detection, spatiotemporal statistical analysis, and an RSS range-based weighted centroid localization algorithm for improving safety management and preventing accidents in underground coal mines. The proposed platform seamlessly integrates monitoring, analyzing, and localization approaches using the Internet of Things (IoT), cloud computing, a real-time operational database, application gateways, and application program interfaces. The prototype has been validated and verified at the operating underground Hassan Kishore coal mine. Sensors for air quality parameters including temperature, humidity, CH4, CO2, and CO demonstrated an excellent performance, with regression constants always greater than 0.97 for each parameter when compared to their commercial equivalent. This framework enables real-time monitoring, identification of abnormal events (>90%), and verification of a miner's localization in the harsh environment of underground mines. The main contribution of this study is the development of an open source, customizable, and cost-effective platform for effectively promoting underground coal mine safety. This system is helpful for solving the problems of accessibility, serviceability, interoperability, and flexibility associated with safety in coal mines.

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A Hybrid Partially Reconfigurable Overlay Supporting Just-In-Time Assembly of Custom Accelerators on FPGAs Using MATLAB

The state of the art in design and development flows for FPGAs are not sufficiently mature to allow programmers to implement their applications through traditional software development flows. The stipulation of synthesis as well as the requirement of background knowledge on the FPGAs’ low-level physical hardware structure are major challenges that prevent programmers from using FPGAs. The reconfigurable computing community is seeking solutions to raise the level of design abstraction at which programmers must operate, and move the synthesis process out of the programmers’ path through the use of overlays. A recent approach, Just-In-Time Assembly (JITA), was proposed that enables hardware accelerators to be assembled at runtime, all from within a traditional software compilation flow.

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Multi-objective optimization for battery electric vehicle power train topologies Using MATLAB

Electric vehicles are becoming more popular in the market. To be competitive, manufacturers need to produce vehicles with a low energy consumption, a good range and an acceptable driving performance. These are dependent on the choice of components and the topology in which they are used. In a conventional gasoline vehicle, the powertrain topology is constrained to a few well-understood layouts; these typically consist of a single engine driving one axle or both axles through a multi-ratio gearbox. With electric vehicles, there is more flexibility, and the design space is relatively unexplored. In this paper, we evaluate several different topologies as follows: a traditional topology using a single electric motor driving a single axle with a fixed gear ratio; a topology using separate motors for the front axle and the rear axle, each with its own fixed gear ratio; a topology using in-wheel motors on a single axle; a four-wheel-drive topology using in-wheel motors on both axes. Multi-objective optimisation techniques are used to find the optimal component sizing for a given requirement set and to investigate the trade-offs between the energy consumption, the powertrain cost and the acceleration performance. The paper concludes with a discussion of the relative merits of the different topologies and their applicability to real-world passenger cars.

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Mining Requirements from Closed-Loop Control Models Using MATLAB

Formal verification of a control system can be performed by checking if a model of its dynamical behavior conforms to temporal requirements. Unfortunately, adoption of formal verification in an industrial setting is a formidable challenge as design requirements are often vague, nonmodular, evolving, or sometimes simply unknown. We propose a framework to mine requirements from a closed-loop model of an industrial-scale control system, such as one specified in Simulink. The input to our algorithm is a requirement template expressed in parametric signal temporal logic: a logical formula in which concrete signal or time values are replaced with parameters. Given a set of simulation traces of the model, our method infers values for the template parameters to obtain the strongest candidate requirement satisfied by the traces. It then tries to falsify the candidate requirement using a falsification tool.

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