The video itself is quite simple. It's a high contrast capture of a droplet moving across the screen. How can I calculate the velocity of the droplet given that I already have the scale (pixels to mm)? Any input/direction would be appreciated.
You can easily calculate the velocity multiplying the distance of centroids between previous frame and current frame, the frame rate of the video and the scale of the unit is meter/pixel.
scale = 1/320; % meter/pixel frameRate = 30; % frame/second velocity = velociy_pix * frameRate * scale; % pixel/frame * frame/second * meter/pixel
Here is an example code that calculates the velocity of a moving ball (requires Computer Vision System Toolbox):
%%Create a video for detection writerObj = VideoWriter('movingBall.avi'); open(writerObj); bgI = zeros(240,320,'uint8'); pos_org = [160 120]; r = 10; for k = 1: 300 f = 0.2*(1-exp(-k/200)); pos = pos_org + 50*[cos(2*pi*f/30*k) sin(2*pi*f/30*k)]; I = insertShape(bgI, 'FilledCircle', [pos r], 'Color', 'white'); I = I + uint8(randn(size(I)))*10; writeVideo(writerObj,im2frame(I)); end close(writerObj); %%Calculate velocity of the ball videoFileReader = vision.VideoFileReader('movingBall.avi'); S = info(videoFileReader); frameRate = S.VideoFrameRate; % frame/second scale = 1/320; % m/pixel videoPlayer = vision.VideoPlayer('Position',[100 100 600 400]); oldPoints = []; while ~isDone(videoFileReader) videoFrame = step(videoFileReader); G = rgb2gray(videoFrame); BW = G > 0.5; BW2 = bwareaopen(BW, 30); BW3 = imfill(BW2, 'holes'); stats = regionprops('table',BW3,'Centroid'); points = table2array(stats); if ~isempty(oldPoints) % Calculate velocity (pixels/frame) vel_pix = sqrt(sum((points-oldPoints).^2,2)); vel = vel_pix * frameRate * scale; % pixels/frame * frame/seconds * meter/pixels else vel_pix = 0; vel = 0; end % Visualize the velocity videoFrameOut = insertObjectAnnotation(videoFrame, 'circle', ... [points 10*ones(size(points,1),1)], ... cellstr(num2str(vel,'%2.2f'))); step(videoPlayer, videoFrameOut); oldPoints = points; end release(videoFileReader); release(videoPlayer); provides guaranteed satisfaction with a
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