How to automatically update editText box with 'new axes limit' when Zoom tool has changed the axes limit?
I am looking at an example with zoom given in Matlab help:
function demo % Listen to zoom events plot(1:10); h = zoom; set(h,'ActionPostCallback',@mypostcallback); set(h,'Enable','on'); % function mypostcallback(obj,evd) newLim = get(evd.Axes,'XLim'); msgbox(sprintf('The new X-Limits are [%.2f %.2f].',newLim)); ----------------------------------------------
How would I update an existing editText box with the newLim from within mypostcallback()? Or would I have to create an event listener? Then how would I do that?
To automatically update an `editText` box with the new axes limits in a MATLAB GUI, you can use callback functions. Here’s a basic approach:
1. Create the GUI Elements:
Ensure you have an `axes` object and an `editText` box in your GUI.
2. Add a Callback Function for Axes Limits Change:
Create a callback function that gets triggered whenever the axes limits change. This function will update the `editText` box with the new limits.
3. Set the Callback in the Axes Properties:
Use the `addlistener` function to monitor changes in the `XLim` and `YLim` properties of the axes.
Here’s a sample code snippet:
% Create the GUI elements (axes and editText)
hFig = figure;
hAxes = axes('Parent', hFig);
hEditText = uicontrol('Style', 'edit', 'Position', [10, 10, 200, 30]);
% Plot something in the axes
plot(hAxes, rand(1, 10));
% Add listeners for axes limits changes
addlistener(hAxes, 'XLim', 'PostSet', @(src, event) updateEditText(hAxes, hEditText));
addlistener(hAxes, 'YLim', 'PostSet', @(src, event) updateEditText(hAxes, hEditText));
% Callback function to update editText with new axes limits
function updateEditText(hAxes, hEditText)
newLimits = sprintf('XLim: [%f, %f], YLim: [%f, %f]', ...
hAxes.XLim(1), hAxes.XLim(2), hAxes.YLim(1), hAxes.YLim(2));
set(hEditText, 'String', newLimits);
1. GUI Elements: This script creates a figure with axes and an `editText` box.
2. Listeners: Two listeners are added to the axes to monitor changes in `XLim` and `YLim`.
3. Callback: The `updateEditText` function updates the `editText` box with the new axes limits whenever they change.
This approach ensures that the `editText` box is always in sync with the axes limits, providing a dynamic and responsive user interface. provides guaranteed satisfaction with a
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