function width = fwhm(x,y)% Define function for FWHM at 50% y = y / max(y); % Normalize to 1 so that half max=0.5 N = length(y); % Max length of Y MicroscopeMag=10; % Magnification of objective PixelWidth=7.8; % Pixel Pitch is 7.8 Microns - Hamamatsu. %------- identifies the centre of the peak ---------------% [~,centerindex] = max(y);% Find center peak and coordinate %------- Identifies the last index position before half-maximum ------% %----- Have a range containing the leading edge of the signal -----% i = 2; while sign(y(i)-0.5) == sign(y(i-1)-0.5) %trying to see the curve raise i = i+1; end %-----Interpolate the exact point(s) where the signal's value would be 0.5-----% %----- The next 2 lines are an attempt to determine in fractions of an %Index exactly where the line would cross the 0.5 value. %Simple linear interpolation -----% interp = (0.5-y(i-1)) / (y(i)-y(i-1)); %(gives us the delta_y between the two values either side)/(shortfall) %=linearly interpolate how far between the two index positions we should go to hit exactly 0.5 tlead = x(i-1) + interp*(x(i)-x(i-1)); % Works out the corresponding delta_x, which gives you the actual distance in terms of the timebase. i=centerindex+1; %------- start search for next crossing at center--------------------% %------- Repeat process for trailing edge --------------------% while ((sign(y(i)-0.5) == sign(y(i-1)-0.5)) && (i <= N-1)) i = i+1; end if i ~= N interp = (0.5-y(i-1)) / (y(i)-y(i-1)); ttrail = x(i-1) + interp*(x(i)-x(i-1)); % Lateral Magnification x Pixel pitch of 7.8 microns. width=((ttrail - tlead)/MicroscopeMag)*PixelWidth; end</pre.
Code to calculate the FWHM for every 2D array
clear all; a=1; while a<=10; filename=strcat('S',num2str(a),'.csv'); Array=csvread(filename,15,0); x = Array(:, 1); y = Array(:, 2); fwhm(x,y) a = a+1; end
for a = 1 : 10 filename = sprintf('S%d.csv', a); Array=csvread(filename,15,0); x = Array(:, 1); y = Array(:, 2); width = fwhm(x,y); outputs = [num2cell(x), num2cell(y)]; outputs{3,1} = width; newfilename = sprintf('Snew%d.csv', a); xlswrite(newfilename, outputs); end provides guaranteed satisfaction with a
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