Using weights from OL in CL training; how should the weight vector(s)/cell matrices be formatted when used as input in train() ?
close all clear all % format long T = simplenar_dataset; [I,N] = size(T); d = 5; FD = 1:d; H = 10; % open net number one, input for closed net number one and closed net number two neto1 = narnet( FD, H ); neto1.divideFcn = 'divideblock'; [ Xo1, Xoi1, Aoi1, To1] = preparets( neto1, {}, {}, T ); to = cell2mat( To1 ); % zto = zscore(to,1); varto1 = mean(var(to',1)); % minmaxto = minmax([ to ; zto ]); rng( 'default' ) [neto1,tro,Yo1,Eo1,Aof1,Xof1] = train( neto1, Xo1, To1, Xoi1, Aoi1 ); [Yo1,Xof1,Aof] = neto1( Xo1, Xoi1, Aoi1 ); Eo1 = gsubtract( To1, Yo1 ); NMSEo1 = mse( Eo1 ) /varto1; yo1 = cell2mat( Yo1 ); netc1 = closeloop(neto1); EWo1=getwb(neto1); EWc1=getwb(netc1); isequal( EWo1, EWc1); % 1 netc1.divideFcn = 'divideblock'; [ Xc1, Xci1, Aci1, Tc1, EWc1 ] = preparets( netc1, {}, {}, T, EWo1 ); % 1.232667933023756e-08 isequal( EWo1, cell2mat(EWc1)); % 1 if EWo1 is included in preparets, 0 if EWo1 is NOT included in preparets figure(1) plot(1:length(EWo1),EWo1,1:length(cell2mat(EWc1)),cell2mat(EWc1)) isequal( Tc1, To1); tc = to; [netc1,troc1,Yc1,Ec1,Acf1,Xcf1] = train( netc1, Xc1, Tc1, Xci1, Aci1, EWc1); % Here, in the training I would like to insert EWc1 to continute working weights from the % preparets which is nine lines up. However, when adding EWc1 as the last % input parameter I get the following error: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Error using nntraining.setup (line 17) % Error weights EW{1,1 contains negative values. % Error in network/train (line 292) % [net,rawData,tr,err] = nntraining.setup(net,net.trainFcn,X,Xi,Ai,T,EW,~isGPUArray); %Error in question160516 (line 50) % [netc1,troc1,Yc1,Ec1,Acf1,Xcf1] = train( netc1, Xc1, Tc1, Xci1, Aci1, EWc1); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % [netc1,troc1,Yc1,Ec1,Acf1,Xcf1] = train( netc1, Xc1, Tc1, Xci1, Aci1, EWc1); EWc1=getwb(netc1); disp('Weights IW') % Here I try to show the content of each weight set o_iw=neto1.IW c_iw=netc1.IW disp('Weights LW') o_lw=neto1.LW c_lw=netc1.LW disp('Weights b') o_b=neto1.b c_b=netc1.b isequal( EWo1, EWc1); % 0 figure(2) plot(1:length(EWo1),EWo1,1:length(EWc1),EWc1) [Yc1,Xcf1,Acf1] = netc1( Xc1, Xci1, Aci1 ); Ec1 = gsubtract( Tc1, Yc1 ); yc = cell2mat( Yc1 ); NMSEc = mse(Ec1) /var(tc,1); [Yc1_2,Xcf1_2,Acf1_2] = netc1( Xc1, Xci1, Aci1 ); Xc1_2 = cell(1,N); [Yc1_2,Xcf1_2,Acf1_2] = netc1( Xc1_2, Xcf1_2, Acf1_2 ); yc1_2 = cell2mat(Yc1_2);
clc % Code and error message: close all clear all % format long T = simplenar_dataset; [ I, N ] = size(T) % [ 1 100 ] d = 5 GEH2= ' WHY 5 ?' FD = 1:d; H = 10; % open net number one, input for closed net number % one and closed net number two neto1 = narnet( FD, H ); neto1.divideFcn = 'divideblock'; [ Xo1, Xoi1, Aoi1, To1] = preparets( neto1, {}, {}, T ); to = cell2mat( To1 ); % zto = zscore(to,1); varto1 = mean(var(to',1)) % 0.062747 % minmaxto = minmax([ to ; zto ]); rng( 'default' ) % [neto1,tro,Yo1,Eo1,Aof1,Xof1] = train( neto1, Xo1, To1, Xoi1, Aoi1 ); GEH3 = ' ERROR1: SWITCH Aof1 and Xof1' [neto1,tro,Yo1,Eo1,Xof1,Aof1] = train( neto1, Xo1, To1, Xoi1, Aoi1); %[Yo1,Xof1,Aof] = neto1( Xo1, Xoi1, Aoi1 ); GEH4 = 'ERROR: Aof1 not Aof' %Eo1 = gsubtract( To1, Yo1 ); GEH5 = ' COMMENT ABOVE 2 REDUNDANT STATEMENTS' NMSEo1 = mse( Eo1 ) /varto1 %1.6546e-09 GEH6 = ' ALWAYS MAKE SURE NMSEo1 IS ADEQUATE BEFORE CL' yo1 = cell2mat( Yo1 ); netc1 = closeloop(neto1); EWo1=getwb(neto1); EWc1=getwb(netc1); isequal( EWo1, EWc1) % 1 GEH7 = [ 'INCORRECT NOTATION: EW IS RESERVED FOR MSE' ... ' ERROR WEIGHTS. USE WBo1 AND WBc1 FOR WEIGHT '... ' BIAS VECTORS ' ] %netc1.divideFcn = 'divideblock'; GEH8 = 'ABOVE ASSIGNMENT IS UNNECESSARY' [ Xc1, Xci1, Aci1, Tc1, EWc1 ] = preparets( netc1, {}, {}, T, EWo1 ); % 1.232667933023756e-08 GEH9 = 'ERROR: SEE GEH0' GEH10 = 'WHAT IN THE WORLD IS 1.232667933023756e-08 ???'
GEH11 = 'DELETE ABOVE 3 STATEMENTS' isequal( Tc1, To1); tc = to; [netc1,troc1,Yc1,Ec1,Acf1,Xcf1] = train( netc1, Xc1, Tc1, Xci1, Aci1, EWc1); GEH12 = 'ERRORS: 1: SWITCH Acf1 AND Xcf1 2: REMOVE EWc1' GEH13 = 'I"LL STOP HERE' provides guaranteed satisfaction with a
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