Is there a way to scale the colormap in volshow()? Similar to using 'caxis', [min max] for image()?
% Example volume imcube = bsxfun(@power, rand(30, 30, 100),... permute(linspace(0, 8, 100), [3, 1, 2])).*... permute(linspace(1, 0, 100), [3, 1, 2]); % Pick your color map cmp = jet; % Generate your volume object V = volshow(imcube,... 'Renderer', 'MaximumIntensityProjection',... 'Colormap', cmp,... 'BackgroundColor', [0, 0, 0]); % Set your new color axis. This does the same thing as caxis normally % would. % % % % % % % % % % % % CAXIS EQUIVALENT % % % % % % % % % % VAxis = [0.2, 1.5]; % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % Generate new scale newscale = linspace(min(imcube(:)) - min(VAxis(:)),... max(imcube(:)) - min(VAxis(:)), size(cmp, 1))/diff(VAxis); newscale(newscale < 0) = 0; newscale(newscale > 1) = 1; % Update colormap in volshow V.Colormap = interp1(linspace(0, 1, size(cmp, 1)), cmp, newscale);volshow(
displays 3-D grayscale volumeV
in a figure. You can rotate and zoom in and out on the display interactively using the mouse.
for example
Load MRI data and remove the singleton dimension.
load mri V = squeeze(D);
Generate a colormap and transparency (alpha) map suited for MRI images.
intensity = [0 20 40 120 220 1024]; alpha = [0 0 0.15 0.3 0.38 0.5]; color = ([0 0 0; 43 0 0; 103 37 20; 199 155 97; 216 213 201; 255 255 255]) ./ 255; queryPoints = linspace(min(intensity),max(intensity),256); alphamap = interp1(intensity,alpha,queryPoints)'; colormap = interp1(intensity,color,queryPoints);
View the volume with the custom colormap and transparency map. Click and drag the mouse to rotate the volume. Use the scroll wheel to zoom in and out of the volume.
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