the code of "myfunAskMathworks.m", yo and ye both are of the order 36x1 and these are correct. But in the other code "codeWithArrays.m", it gives error on line 35. Why is it so? In this also we should get the same order of yo and ye but it gives error.
u=[10 20 30 40];b=u; M=6; % Tx constant N=6; % Rx constant d = 0.5; % constant vecH = @(MAT) MAT(:).'; steerVecT = @(ang) exp(1j*2*pi*d*(0:M-1).'*sin(vecH(ang))); steerVecR = @(ang) exp(1j*2*pi*d*(0:N-1).'*sin(vecH(ang))); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Calculation of yo and ye %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% yo = yMatTR(deg2rad(u), steerVecT, steerVecR); % 36x1 in which 36 is due to M*N ye = yMatTR(deg2rad(b), steerVecT, steerVecR); % 36x1 in which 36 is due to M*N %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % MSE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% e=norm(yo-ye).^2/(M*N); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % function yMatTR %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%5%%% function y = yMatTR(targetAngle, steerVecT, steerVecR) steerA = steerVecT(targetAngle); steerB = steerVecR(targetAngle); y=sum( steerA.*permute(steerB,[3,2,1]) ,2); y=y(:); end
close all; clear all; clc; u=[10 20 30 40];b=u; az = u(1:2)'; %Azimuths el = u(3:4)'; % Elevations M = length(az); % No. of sources L = 1; m = randn(M,L); % Wavenumber vectors k = pi*[cosd(az).*cosd(el), sind(az).*cosd(el), sind(el)].';% Always 3 x No. of sources % Tx antennas N = 6; % Array geometry [rx,ry,rz] (example: uniform circular array) radius = 0.5/sind(180/N); rx = radius*cosd(360*(0:N-1).'/N); ry = radius*sind(360*(0:N-1).'/N); rT = [rx, ry, zeros(N,1)];% Always No. of Antennas x 3 % Rx antennas M=6; % Array geometry [rx,ry,rz] (example: uniform circular array) radius = 0.5/sind(180/M); rx = radius*cosd(360*(0:M-1).'/M); ry = radius*sind(360*(0:M-1).'/M); rR = [rx, ry, zeros(M,1)];% Always No. of Antennas x 3 % Matrices AT and AR AT = exp(-1j*rT*k);% Always (TX Antennas x No. of sources) AR = exp(-1j*rR*k);% Always (RX Antennas x No. of sources) az=az'; el=el'; yo = yMatTR(deg2rad(az), AT, AR); % 36x1 in which 36 is due to M*N ye = yMatTR(deg2rad(el), AT, AR); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % MSE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% e=norm(yo-ye).^2/(M*N) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % function yMatTR %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%5%%% function y = yMatTR(targetAngle, steerVecT, steerVecR) steerA = steerVecT(targetAngle); steerB = steerVecR(targetAngle); y=sum( steerA.*permute(steerB,[3,2,1]) ,2); y=y(:); end
This is how I would modified the code to execute for any M r N dimensions:
clear clc u = [10 20 30 40]; b = u * (1+0.5*randn); % random deviation between u and b % Tx antennas N = 6; % Array geometry [rx,ry,rz] (example: uniform circular array) radius = 0.5/sind(180/N); rx = radius*cosd(360*(0:N-1).'/N); ry = radius*sind(360*(0:N-1).'/N); rT = [rx, ry, zeros(N,1)];% Always No. of Antennas x 3 % Rx antennas M = 10; % Array geometry [rx,ry,rz] (example: uniform circular array) radius = 0.5/sind(180/M); rx = radius*cosd(360*(0:M-1).'/M); ry = radius*sind(360*(0:M-1).'/M); rR = [rx, ry, zeros(M,1)];% Always No. of Antennas x 3 % rT is size Nx3, so to make multiplication work, % [cos(alpha).*cos(beta); sin(alpha).*cos(beta); sin(beta)] must be 3x1 AT = @(alpha, beta) exp(-1j.*rT*pi*[cos(alpha).*cos(beta); sin(alpha).*cos(beta); sin(beta)]); % rR is size Mx3, so to make multiplication work, % [cos(alpha).*cos(beta); sin(alpha).*cos(beta); sin(beta)] must be 3x1 AR = @(alpha, beta) exp(-1j.*rR*pi*[cos(alpha).*cos(beta); sin(alpha).*cos(beta); sin(beta)]); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Calculation of yo and ye %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% yo = yMatTR(u, AT, AR); ye = yMatTR(b, AT, AR); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % MSE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% e=norm(yo-ye).^2/(M*N); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % function yMatTR %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%5%%% function y = yMatTR(targetAngle, steerVecT, steerVecR) az = deg2rad(targetAngle(1:2)); el = deg2rad(targetAngle(3:4)); steerA = steerVecT(az,el); steerB = steerVecR(az,el); y=sum( steerA.*permute(steerB,[3,2,1]) ,2); y=y(:); end provides guaranteed satisfaction with a
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