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zabaqer asked . 2020-12-30

xlsread error

I am attending to develop an existing code (in Mathworks site). the Exel file must be changed. I found the following error when changing the file. Error using xlsread (line 139) XLSREAD unable to open file 'Index_of_Refraction_library.xls'. File 'I:\widad\widad cods\transfer matrix\Index_of_Refraction_library.xls' not found. Error in TransferMatrix>LoadRefrIndex (line 272) [IndRefr,IndRefr_names]=xlsread('Index_of_Refraction_library.xls'); Error in TransferMatrix (line 90) n(index,:) = LoadRefrIndex(layers{index},lambda); This is the code function TransferMatrix %------------BEGIN USER INPUT PARAMETERS SPECITIFCATION--------------- % lambda=350:800; % Wavelengths over which field patterns are calculated stepsize = 1; % The electric field is calculated at a latice of points (nm) % in the device cross section seperated by this distance % plotWavelengths specifies which wavelengths to plot when plotting E-field % intensity distributions (figure 1). Specify values by adding wavelength % values to the array. Values must be within the range of calculated % wavelenths (ie. must be an element of the lambda array). All wavelengths % are in nanometers. plotWavelengths = [400 500 600]; % Specify Layers in device (an arbitrary number of layers is permitted) and % thicknesses. % % Change these arrays to change the order or number of layers and/or % thickness of layers. List the layers in the order that they appear in the % device starting with the side the light is incident on. THE NAMES OF THE % LAYERS MUST CORRESPOND TO THE NAMES OF THE MATERIALS IN THE INDEX OF % REFRACTION LIBRARY FILE, 'Index_of_Refraction_library.xls'. The first % layer must be the transparent substrate (glass) or 'Air' if the active % layers are on the reflective electrode (rather than transparent electrode) side % of the device. The layer thicknesses are in nanometers. layers = {'Air' 'aSi' 'SiO2' 'TiO2' 'Ag' 'glass' }; % Names of layers of materials starting from side light is incident from thicknesses = [0 110 35 220 7 200]; % thickness of each corresponding layer in nm (thickness of the first layer is irrelivant) % Set plotGeneration to 'true' if you want to plot generation rate as a % function of position in the device and output the calculated short circuit current % under AM1.5G illumination (assuming 100% internal quantum efficiency) plotGeneration = true; activeLayer = 4; % index of material layer where photocurrent is generated % %------------END USER INPUT PARAMETERS SPECIFICATION------------------- % Load in index of refraction for each material n = zeros(size(layers,2),size(lambda,2)); for index = 1:size(layers,2) n(index,:) = LoadRefrIndex(layers{index},lambda); end t = thicknesses; % Constants h = 6.62606957e-34; % Js Planck's constant c = 2.99792458e8; % m/s speed of light q = 1.60217657e-19; % C electric charge % Calculate Incoherent power transmission through substrate % See Griffiths "Intro to Electrodynamics 3rd Ed. Eq. 9.86 & 9.87 T_glass=abs(4*1*n(1,:)./(1+n(1,:)).^2); R_glass=abs((1-n(1,:))./(1+n(1,:))).^2; % Calculate transfer matrices, and field at each wavelength and position t(1)=0; t_cumsum=cumsum(t); x_pos=(stepsize/2):stepsize:sum(t); %positions to evaluate field %x_mat specifies what layer number the corresponding point in x_pos is in: x_mat= sum(repmat(x_pos,length(t),1)>repmat(t_cumsum',1,length(x_pos)),1)+1; R=lambda*0; E=zeros(length(x_pos),length(lambda)); for l = 1:length(lambda) % Calculate transfer matrices for incoherent reflection and transmission at the first interface S=I_mat(n(1,l),n(2,l)); for matindex=2:(length(t)-1) S=S*L_mat(n(matindex,l),t(matindex),lambda(l))*I_mat(n(matindex,l),n(matindex+1,l)); end R(l)=abs(S(2,1)/S(1,1))^2; %JAP Vol 86 p.487 Eq 9 Power Reflection from layers other than substrate T(l)=abs(2/(1+n(1,l)))/sqrt(1-R_glass(l)*R(l)); %Transmission of field through glass substrate Griffiths 9.85 + multiple reflection geometric series % Calculate all other transfer matrices for material = 2:length(t) xi=2*pi*n(material,l)/lambda(l); dj=t(material); x_indices=find(x_mat == material); %indices of points which are in the material layer considered x=x_pos(x_indices)-t_cumsum(material-1); %distance from interface with previous layer % Calculate S matrices (JAP Vol 86 p.487 Eq 12 and 13) S_prime=I_mat(n(1,l),n(2,l)); for matindex=3:material S_prime=S_prime*L_mat(n(matindex-1,l),t(matindex-1),lambda(l))*I_mat(n(matindex-1,l),n(matindex,l)); end S_doubleprime=eye(2); for matindex=material:(length(t)-1) S_doubleprime=S_doubleprime*I_mat(n(matindex,l),n(matindex+1,l))*L_mat(n(matindex+1,l),t(matindex+1),lambda(l)); end % Normalized Field profile (JAP Vol 86 p.487 Eq 22) E(x_indices,l)=T(l)*(S_doubleprime(1,1)*exp(-1i*xi*(dj-x))+S_doubleprime(2,1)*exp(1i*xi*(dj-x))) ./(S_prime(1,1)*S_doubleprime(1,1)*exp(-1i*xi*dj)+S_prime(1,2)*S_doubleprime(2,1)*exp(1i*xi*dj)); end end % Overall Reflection from device with incoherent reflections at first % interface (typically air-glass) Reflection=R_glass+T_glass.^2.*R./(1-R_glass.*R); % Plots electric field intensity |E|^2 vs position in device for % wavelengths specified in the initial array, plotWavelengths. close all figure(1) plotString = ''; legendString = cell(1,size(plotWavelengths,2)); for index=1:size(plotWavelengths,2) plotString = strcat(plotString, ['x_pos,abs(E(:,', num2str(find(lambda == plotWavelengths(index))), ').^2),']); legendString{index} = [num2str(plotWavelengths(index)), ' nm']; end eval(['plot(', plotString, '''LineWidth'',2)']) axislimit1=axis; % Draws vertical lines at each material boundary in the stack and labels % each layer for matindex=2:length(t) line([sum(t(1:matindex)) sum(t(1:matindex))],[0 axislimit1(4)]); text((t_cumsum(matindex)+t_cumsum(matindex-1))/2,0,layers{matindex},'HorizontalAlignment','center','VerticalAlignment','bottom') end title('E-field instensity in device'); xlabel('Position in Device (nm)'); ylabel('Normalized Electric field intensity |E|^2'); legend(legendString); % Absorption coefficient in cm^-1 (JAP Vol 86 p.487 Eq 23) a=zeros(length(t),length(lambda)); for matindex=2:length(t) a(matindex,:)=4*pi*imag(n(matindex,:))./(lambda*1e-7); end % Plots normalized intensity absorbed /cm3-nm at each position and % wavelength as well as the total reflection expected from the device % (useful for comparing with experimentally measured reflection spectrum) figure(2) Absorption=zeros(length(t),length(lambda)); plotString = ''; for matindex=2:length(t) Pos=find(x_mat == matindex); AbsRate=repmat(a(matindex,:).*real(n(matindex,:)),length(Pos),1).*(abs(E(Pos,:)).^2); Absorption(matindex,:)=sum(AbsRate,1)*stepsize*1e-7; plotString = strcat(plotString, ['lambda,Absorption(', num2str(matindex), ',:),']); end eval(['plot(', plotString, 'lambda,Reflection,''LineWidth'',2)']) title('Fraction of Light absorbed or reflected'); xlabel('Wavelength (nm)'); ylabel('Light Intensity Fraction'); legend(layers{2:size(layers,2)}, 'Reflectance'); % Plots generation rate as a function of position in the device and % calculates Jsc if plotGeneration == true % Load in 1sun AM 1.5 solar spectrum in mW/cm2nm AM15_data=xlsread('AM15.xls'); AM15=interp1(AM15_data(:,1), AM15_data(:,2), lambda, 'linear', 'extrap'); figure(3) % Energy dissipation mW/cm3-nm at each position and wavelength (JAP Vol % 86 p.487 Eq 22) ActivePos=find(x_mat == activeLayer); Q=repmat(a(activeLayer,:).*real(n(activeLayer,:)).*AM15,length(ActivePos),1).*(abs(E(ActivePos,:)).^2); % Exciton generation rate per second-cm3-nm at each position and wavelength Gxl=(Q*1e-3).*repmat(lambda*1e-9,length(ActivePos),1)/(h*c); if length(lambda)==1 lambdastep= 1; else lambdastep=(max(lambda)-min(lambda))/(length(lambda)-1); end Gx=sum(Gxl,2)*lambdastep; % Exciton generation rate as a function of position/(sec-cm^3) plot(x_pos(ActivePos),Gx,'LineWidth',2) axislimit3=axis; axis([axislimit1(1:2) axislimit3(3:4)]) % inserts vertical lines at material boundaries for matindex=2:length(t) line([sum(t(1:matindex)) sum(t(1:matindex))],[0 axislimit3(4)]); text((t_cumsum(matindex)+t_cumsum(matindex-1))/2,0,layers{matindex},'HorizontalAlignment','center','VerticalAlignment','bottom') end title('Generation Rate in Device') xlabel('Position in Device (nm)'); ylabel('Generation rate /(sec-cm^3)'); % outputs predicted Jsc under AM1.5 illumination assuming 100% internal % quantum efficiency at all wavelengths Jsc=sum(Gx)*stepsize*1e-7*q*1e3 %in mA/cm^2 % Calculate parasitic absorption parasitic_abs=(1-Reflection-Absorption(activeLayer,:))'; % sends absorption, reflection, and wavelength data to the workspace assignin('base','absorption',Absorption'); assignin('base','reflection',Reflection'); assignin('base','parasitic_abs',parasitic_abs); assignin('base','lambda',lambda'); end %------------------- Helper Functions ------------------------------------ % Function I_mat % This function calculates the transfer matrix, I, for reflection and % transmission at an interface between materials with complex dielectric % constant n1 and n2. function I = I_mat(n1,n2) r=(n1-n2)/(n1+n2); t=2*n1/(n1+n2); I=[1 r; r 1]/t; % Function L_mat % This function calculates the propagation matrix, L, through a material of % complex dielectric constant n and thickness d for the wavelength lambda. function L = L_mat(n,d,lambda) xi=2*pi*n/lambda; L=[exp(-1i*xi*d) 0; 0 exp(1i*xi*d)]; % Function LoadRefrIndex % This function returns the complex index of refraction spectra, ntotal, for the % material called 'name' for each wavelength value in the wavelength vector % 'wavelengths'. The material must be present in the index of refraction % library 'Index_of_Refraction_library.xls'. The program uses linear % interpolation/extrapolation to determine the index of refraction for % wavelengths not listed in the library. function ntotal = LoadRefrIndex(name,wavelengths) %Data in IndRefr, Column names in IndRefr_names [IndRefr,IndRefr_names]=xlsread('Index_of_Refraction_library.xls'); % Load index of refraction data in spread sheet, will crash if misspelled file_wavelengths=IndRefr(:,strmatch('Wavelength',IndRefr_names)); n=IndRefr(:,strmatch(strcat(name,'_n'),IndRefr_names)); k=IndRefr(:,strmatch(strcat(name,'_k'),IndRefr_names)); % Interpolate/Extrapolate data linearly to desired wavelengths n_interp=interp1(file_wavelengths, n, wavelengths, 'linear', 'extrap'); k_interp=interp1(file_wavelengths, k, wavelengths, 'linear', 'extrap'); %Return interpolated complex index of refraction data ntotal = n_interp+1i*k_interp;

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