%% Temperatur Verlauf der Abkühlkurve %%% clear %% open the file with the data for i=1:5 cd 'C:\Users\rodri\Desktop\Bias\Tests\21_03_10_400_1000_1,5'; % command open the path saved in the file Tests [file,path] = uigetfile('*.txt'); % find the file with the txt type xlsfile = strcat(file,'.xlsx'); % convert the txt file to excel file excel_path_save = 'C:\Users\rodri\Desktop\Bias\Excel\'; % command save the excel file in the Excel's file xlsfile = strcat (excel_path_save, xlsfile ); % concatenates both paths together end %% settings %%% startpower = 0.005000; % standard power in the labview programm pyro_min = 500; % minimum value of the Quotienten pyrometer change to pyrometer typ pyro_max =2200; % maximum value I_min = 0; % minimum output current value I_max = 20; % maximum current value %% read data %%% table = readtable(file); % read the table time = table2array(table(:,1)); % table of time power = table2array(table(:, 2)); % table of power temp = table2array(table(:, 3)); % table of temperature %% Delete values prior to CNC-trigger %%% startindex = find(power==startpower); time(1:startindex-1) = []; temp(1:startindex-1) = []; %% current to temperature %%% temp= temp*(pyro_max-pyro_min)/(I_max-I_min)*1000+pyro_min; % calculate and convert the value of the- % current to the temperature %% write Excel file %%% header = {'Time [ms]','Temperature [°C]'}; output = [header; num2cell([time,temp])]; xlswrite(xlsfile,output) %% Plot %%% for i=1:5 t_max = max(temp); plot(time,temp,'LineWidth',2.0); text (max(time)/2,2000,strcat('T_{max} =',{' '},string(t_max),'°C'),'FontSize',18,'FontName','Arial'); xlabel('Zeit'); ylabel('Temperatur'); title('Temperaturverlauf der Abkühlkurve'); legend('t_max') ax.XColor = [0 0 0]; ax.YColor = [0 0 0]; %xlim([0 roundn(max(time)+501,3)]); xlim([0 20000]); ylim([0 2500]); set(gca,'FontSize',18,'FontName','Arial','XColor','k','YColor','k','ytick',[0 500,1000,1500,2000,2500],'yticklabel',{0 500,1000,1500,'°C',2500},'xtick',[0 2000,4000,6000,8000,10000,12000,14000,16000,18000,20000],'xticklabel',{0 2000,4000,6000,8000,10000,12000,14000,16000,'ms',20000}); hold on plot(time,temp,'LineWidth',2.0); hold on plot(time,temp,'LineWidth',2.0); hold on plot(time,temp,'LineWidth',2.0); hold on plot(time,temp,'LineWidth',2.0); hold on plot(time,temp,'LineWidth',2.0); pause (2) end
that is the code i wrote i added the files that i want to plot
%% Temperatur Verlauf der Abkühlkurve %%% clear %% settings %%% startpower = 0.005000; % standard power in the labview programm pyro_min = 500; % minimum value of the Quotienten pyrometer change to pyrometer typ pyro_max =2200; % maximum value I_min = 0; % minimum output current value I_max = 20; % maximum current value cd 'C:\Users\rodri\Desktop\Bias\Tests\21_03_10_400_1000_1,5'; % command open the path saved in the file Tests excel_path_save = 'C:\Users\rodri\Desktop\Bias\Excel\'; % command save the excel file in the Excel's file %% prepare figure for plotting %% axes('XLim',[0 20000], 'YLim',[0 2500],... 'FontSize',18, 'FontName','Arial', 'XColor','k', 'YColor','k',... 'YTick',[0 500,1000,1500,2000,2500], 'YTickLabel',{0 500,1000,1500,'°C',2500},... 'XTick',[0 2000,4000,6000,8000,10000,12000,14000,16000,18000,20000],... 'XTickLabel',{0 2000,4000,6000,8000,10000,12000,14000,16000,'ms',20000}); xlabel('Zeit'); ylabel('Temperatur'); title('Temperaturverlauf der Abkühlkurve'); lgd = legend; hold on; for i=1:5 %% open the file with the data [file,path] = uigetfile('*.txt'); % find the file with the txt type xlsfile = strcat(file,'.xlsx'); % convert the txt file to excel file xlsfile = strcat (excel_path_save, xlsfile ); % concatenates both paths together %% read data %%% table = readtable(file); % read the table time = table2array(table(:,1)); % table of time power = table2array(table(:, 2)); % table of power temp = table2array(table(:, 3)); % table of temperature %% Delete values prior to CNC-trigger %%% startindex = find(power==startpower); time(1:startindex-1) = []; temp(1:startindex-1) = []; %% current to temperature %%% temp= temp*(pyro_max-pyro_min)/(I_max-I_min)*1000+pyro_min; % calculate and convert the value of the- % current to the temperature %% write Excel file %%% header = {'Time [ms]','Temperature [°C]'}; output = [header; num2cell([time,temp])]; xlswrite(xlsfile,output) %% Plot %%% t_max = max(temp); plot(time,temp,'LineWidth',2.0); text (max(time)/2,2000,strcat('T_{max} =',{' '},string(t_max),'°C'),'FontSize',18,'FontName','Arial'); %legend('t_max') lgd.String{i} = file; %xlim([0 roundn(max(time)+501,3)]); end hold off;
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