My function file my_rref.m is as follows:
function my_rref(A) [m,n]=size(A); for i=1:m-1 for j=i+1:m if abs(A(j,i))>abs(A(i,i)) t=A(j,:); A(j,:)=A(i,:); A(i,:)=t; end end end for i=1:m-1 for j=i+1:m x=A(j,i)/A(j,j); for k=i:m+1 A(j,k)=A(j,k)-x*A(i,k); end end end for j=m:-1:2 for i=j-1:-1:1 A(i,:)=A(i,:)-A(j,:)*(A(i,j)/A(j,j)); end end for i=1:m A(i,:)=A(i,:)/A(i,i); end disp('Rref of A is') A
In the command prompt, when I define an example matrix A and I enter my_rref(A), the resulting matrix shows A= (matrix consisting of NaNs). How can I fix this to show the values of the Gauss-Jordan elimination product?
Because you chose bad variable names, you didn't see what was causing the error. Look at how i goes with m -- they're rows. And j goes with n -- they're columns. But when you come to index the array, you swap the rows and columns:
See how j is the first index, which should be the rows? But you associated j and n with columns, meaning they should come in the second place, not the first index place. This code is closer but it's still messed up because of the other problem : no comments. So because of that I can't figure out what you intend, but at least with proper variable names you should be able to figure it out. So dump your code and start repairing this:
function my_rref(A) [rows, columns]=size(A); for col=1:columns-1 for row=col+1:rows if abs(A(row,col))>abs(A(col,col)) t=A(row,:); A(row,:)=A(col,:); A(col,:)=t; end end end for col=1:columns-1 for row=col+1:rows x=A(row,col)/A(row,row); for k=col:rows+1 A(row,k)=A(row,k)-x*A(col,k); end end end for row=rows:-1:2 for col=row-1:-1:1 A(col,:)=A(col,:)-A(row,:)*(A(col,row)/A(row,row)); end end for col=1:columns A(col,:)=A(col,:)/A(col,col); end disp('Rref of A is') A provides guaranteed satisfaction with a
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