I've monthly soil monisture NC file. This file contains monthly soil monisture data since 1948. I want to extract soil data within my shapefile in text file (Shapefile has also attached). I google alot to proccess NetCDF file in matlab find not solution, The ncdisp of my nc file is given below:
Format: netcdf4_classic Global Attributes: _NCProperties = 'version=1|netcdflibversion=|hdf5libversion=1.10.1' Conventions = 'CF-1.0' title = 'CPC Soil Moisture' institution = 'NOAA/ESRL PSD' dataset_title = 'CPC Soil Moisture' history = 'Wed Oct 18 15:13:37 2017: ncks -d time,,-2 soilw.mon.mean.x.nc soilw.mon.mean.xx.nc Wed Oct 18 15:12:08 2017: ncks -d time,,-3 soilw.mon.mean.nc soilw.mon.mean.x.nc CPC Soil Moisture Obtained on Nov 2004 from CPC's website and written to netCDF by Cathy Smith 12/2004. he CPC Global monthly soil moisture dataset is a 1/2 degree resolution grid from 1948 to the present. The file is written in COARDS and CF compliant netCDF at NOAA ESRL/PSD https://www.esrl.noaa.gov/psd/ Converted to chunked, deflated non-packed NetCDF4 Jul 2014' NCO = '4.6.9' References = 'https://www.psl.noaa.gov/data/gridded/data.cpcsoil.html' Dimensions: lat = 360 lon = 720 time = 886 (UNLIMITED) Variables: lat Size: 360x1 Dimensions: lat Datatype: single Attributes: long_name = 'Latitude' units = 'degrees_north' actual_range = [8.98e+01 -8.98e+01] standard_name = 'latitude' axis = 'Y' coordinate_defines = 'point' lon Size: 720x1 Dimensions: lon Datatype: single Attributes: long_name = 'Longitude' units = 'degrees_east' actual_range = [2.50e-01 3.60e+02] standard_name = 'longitude' axis = 'X' coordinate_defines = 'point' soilw Size: 720x360x886 Dimensions: lon,lat,time Datatype: single Attributes: long_name = 'Model-Calculated Monthly Mean Soil Moisture' missing_value = -9.97e+36 units = 'mm' valid_range = [0.00e+00 1.00e+03] dataset = 'CPC Monthly Soil Moisture' var_desc = 'Soil Moisture' level_desc = 'Surface' statistic = 'Monthly Mean' parent_stat = 'Other' standard_name = 'lwe_thickness_of_soil_moisture_content' cell_methods = 'time: mean (monthly from values)' actual_range = [0.00e+00 1.00e+30] time Size: 886x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: long_name = 'Time' units = 'days since 1800-01-01 00:00:0.0' delta_t = '0000-01-00 00:00:00' avg_period = '0000-01-00 00:00:00' standard_name = 'time' axis = 'T' bounds = 'time_bnds' coordinate_defines = 'start' prev_avg_period = '0000-00-01 00:00:00' actual_range = [5.41e+04 8.10e+04]
I've tied
file='data.nc'; ncdisp(file) long = ncread(file,'lon'); latt = ncread(file,'lat'); time = ncread(file,'time');
I want output of Soilw in this format in text file
Date Soilw 01/01/2015 10 01/02/2015 20 01/03/2015 0.5
Please help me to convert monthly netcdf datainto text file using matlab please?
file = 'data.nc'; shapefile = 'lahore.shp'; long = ncread(file, 'lon'); latt = ncread(file, 'lat'); time = ncread(file, 'time'); soilw = ncread(file, 'soilw'); S = shaperead(shapefile); %ncread sometimes returns the transpose of what we expect if size(soilw, 1) ~= length(lat) soilw = permute(soilw, [2 1 3]); end Ntime = length(time); Date = datetime('1800-01-01 00:00:00') + days(time(:)); mask = inpolygon(lat, lon, S.Y, S.X); %caution, lat is Y not X ! Soilw = zeros(Ntime, 1); for K = 1 : Ntime sl = soilw(:,:,K); Soilw(K) = mean( sl(mask) ); end output = table(Date, Soilw);
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