I know the classic method but i can not implement please help me.
Here is a function I've created that hopefully answers your question:
function [x,fval,fevals] = NewtonFourier(f,ab,tol) % NEWTONFOURIER Function that will efficiently find the local zero % of an arbitrary function within a specified initial % guess and tolerance. % % [x,fval,fevals] = NEWTONFOURIER(f,x0,tol); % % INPUT ARGUMENTS % ================ % f Function handle to function to be searched % ab Interval [a,b] in which root is assumed to be % tol Desired relative error % % OUTPUT ARGUMENTS % ================ % x The coordinate where f(x) = 0 % fval The evaluation of f(x) % fevals Number of times the func was evaluated % CHECK IF PROBLEM IS LIKELY UNSOLVABLE if f(ab(1))*f(ab(2)) > 0 warning('f(a)f(b) > 0, there likely is no solution in [a,b].'); end % DETERMINE APPROXIMATE DERIVATIVES OF func fp = @(x) (f(x+tol)-f(x-tol))/(2*tol); % INITIALIZE fevals fevals = 2; % INITIALIZE xn AND zn xn = ab(2); zn = ab(1); % MAIN LOOP err = Inf; while err > tol % Update root estimates fxn = f(xn)/fp(xn); xn = xn - fxn; fzn = f(zn)/fp(zn); zn = zn - fzn; % Determine if converged err = abs((fxn+fzn)/2); % Update function evaluation counter fevals = fevals+6; end % RETURN OUTPUTS x = xn; fval = f(xn); fevals = fevals+1; end
I've also written a demo file that solves the specific problem you've referenced in your question here:
% demo_NewtonFourier.m % Initialize MATLAB clear variables close all clc % Define NewtonFourier.m Inputs f = @(x) x.^3 + x.^2 + 1; tol = 1e-6; ab = [ -2 +2 ]; % Plot Function x = ab(1) : 0.05 : ab(2); y = f(x); figure(1); hold on plot(x,y,'-k','LineWidth',2); plot(x,0*x,'--k','LineWidth',1); hold off xlabel('$x$','Interpreter','latex'); ylabel('$f(x)$','Interpreter','latex'); title(['$ f(x) = ' latex(f(sym('x'))) '$'],'Interpreter','latex'); set(gca, 'FontSize', 12, 'FontName', 'Times', ... 'XMinorTick', 'on', 'YMinorTick', 'on', ... 'TickLength', [0.015, 0.0015]); % Call NewtonFourier.m [x,fval,fevals] = NewtonFourier(f,ab,tol)
The outputs of this demo file include the following figure showing the only real solution to be approximately -1.46,
x = -1.4656 fval = 4.4409e-16 fevals = 153
If you require explanation of the code snippets or need anything else, let me know!
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