% Program to create a wave file with variable amplitude and pitch. function make_wav_file() % Initialization / clean-up code. clc; % Clear the command window. close all; % Close all figures (except those of imtool.) clear; % Erase all existing variables. Or clearvars if you want. workspace; % Make sure the workspace panel is showing. format long g; format compact; fontSize = 20; % Create the filename where we will save the waveform. folder = pwd; baseFileName = 'Test_Wave.wav'; fullFileName = fullfile(folder, baseFileName); fprintf('Full File Name = %s\n', fullFileName); % Set up the time axis: t = 1:15000; % Set up the period (pitch, frequency): T = 13; T = linspace(25, 8, length(t)); % Pitch changes. % Create the maximum amplitude: Amplitude = 32767; % Add an exponential decay: Amplitude = Amplitude .* exp(-0.0003*t); % Add an ocillation on the amplitude: % Amplitude = Amplitude .* rand(1, length(x)); % Makes a shushing/roaring sound. Amplitude = Amplitude .* sin(2.*pi.*t./2000); % Decaying pulsing sound. % Construct the waveform: y = int16(Amplitude .* sin(2.*pi.*t./T)); % y = abs(int16(Amplitude .* sin(2.*pi.*x./T))); % Plot the waveform: plot(t, y, 'b-'); title('Waveform', 'FontSize', fontSize); xlabel('Time', 'FontSize', fontSize); ylabel('Y', 'FontSize', fontSize); grid on; % Enlarge figure to full screen. set(gcf, 'units','normalized','outerposition',[0 0 1 1]); fprintf('Writing file %s...\n', fullFileName); % Write the waveform to a file: wavwrite(y, fullFileName); % Play the sound as many times as the user wants. playAgain = true; counter = 1; while playAgain % Play the sound that we just created. fprintf('Playing file %s %d times...\n', fullFileName, counter); PlaySoundFile(folder, baseFileName); % Ask user if they want to play the sound again. promptMessage = sprintf('You have played the sound %d times.\nDo you want to play the sound again?', counter); titleBarCaption = 'Continue?'; button = questdlg(promptMessage, titleBarCaption, 'Yes', 'No', 'Yes'); if strcmpi(button, 'No') playAgain = false; break; end counter = counter + 1; end % Alert user that we are done. message = sprintf('Done playing %s.\n', fullFileName); fprintf('%s\n', message); promptMessage = sprintf('Done playing %s.\nClick OK to close the window\nor Cancel to leave it up.', fullFileName); titleBarCaption = 'Continue?'; button = questdlg(promptMessage, titleBarCaption, 'OK', 'Cancel', 'OK'); if strcmpi(button, 'OK') close all; % Close down the figure. end %================================================================================================ % Play a wav file. You can pass in 'random' and it will pick one at random from the folder to play. % PlaySoundFile(handles.soundFolder, 'chime.wav'); % PlaySoundFile(handles.soundFolder, 'random'); function PlaySoundFile(soundFolder, baseWavFileName) global waveFileData; global Fs; % Wave file information. try % Read the sound file into MATLAB, and play the audio. % soundFolder = fullfile(soundFolder, 'Sound Files'); if ~exist(soundFolder, 'dir') warningMessage = sprintf('Warning: sound folder not found:\n%s', soundFolder); WarnUser(warningMessage); return; end if strcmpi(baseWavFileName, 'random') itWorked = false; tryCount = 1; while itWorked == false % Pick a file at random. filePattern = fullfile(soundFolder, '*.wav'); waveFiles = dir(filePattern); numberOfFiles = length(waveFiles); % Get a random number fileToPlay = randi(numberOfFiles, 1); baseWavFileName = waveFiles(fileToPlay).name; fullWavFileName = fullfile(soundFolder, baseWavFileName); waveFileData = -1; try if exist(fullWavFileName, 'file') [waveFileData, Fs, nbits, readinfo] = wavread(fullWavFileName); sound(waveFileData, Fs); % soundsc(y,Fs,bits,range); else warningMessage = sprintf('Warning: sound file not found:\n%s', fullWavFileName); WarnUser(warningMessage); end % It worked. It played because the audio format was OK. itWorked = true; catch % Increment the try count and try again to find a file that plays. tryCount = tryCount + 1; if tryCount >= numberOfFiles break; end end end % of while() else % baseWavFileName = 'Chime.wav'; fullWavFileName = fullfile(soundFolder, baseWavFileName); waveFileData = -1; if exist(fullWavFileName, 'file') [waveFileData, Fs, nbits, readinfo] = wavread(fullWavFileName); sound(waveFileData, Fs); % soundsc(y,Fs,bits,range); else warningMessage = sprintf('Warning: sound file not found:\n%s', fullWavFileName); WarnUser(warningMessage); end end catch ME if strfind(ME.message, '#85') % Unrecognized format. Play chime instead. fprintf('Error in PlaySoundFile(): %s.\nUnrecognized sound format in file:\n\n%s\n', ME.message, fullWavFileName); baseWavFileName = 'Chime.wav'; fullWavFileName = fullfile(soundFolder, baseWavFileName); waveFileData = -1; if exist(fullWavFileName, 'file') [waveFileData, Fs, nbits, readinfo] = wavread(fullWavFileName); sound(waveFileData, Fs); % soundsc(y,Fs,bits,range); end end errorMessage = sprintf('Error in PlaySoundFile().\nThe error reported by MATLAB is:\n\n%s', ME.message); fprintf('%s\n', errorMessage); WarnUser(errorMessage); end return; % from PlaySoundFile
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