clc; clear; close all % Read the image I=imread('VAD.png'); figure,imshow(I) %convert it to gray scale I_gray=rgb2gray(I); %Sharpen the image b = imsharpen(I_gray,'Amount',8); h = fspecial('average', [3 3]); b = imfilter(b, h); %choose brighter objects Bina=b>150 figure,imshow(Bina); se = strel('cube',3) erodedBW = imerode(Bina,se); %Remove small objects from binary image BW2 = bwareaopen(Bina,100) figure,imshow(BW2); skelImage = bwskel(BW2, 'MinBranchLength', 10); MinBranchLength = round(sum(skelImage(:))/2) skelImage = bwskel(BW2,'MinBranchLength',MinBranchLength); figure,imshow(skelImage) endpointImage = bwmorph(skelImage, 'endpoints'); [rows, columns] = find(endpointImage) spineLength = sum(skelImage(:)) straightLineDistance = sqrt((columns(2) - columns(1))^2 + (rows(2) - rows(1))^2) tortuosity = spineLength / straightLineDistance
To calculate the tortuosity of blood vessels and achieve your objectives, follow these steps:
You need an image or data representation of the blood vessels. If the image is raw:
in MATLAB or skeletonize
in Python).MATLAB example for preprocessing:
% Read and preprocess the image img = imread('vessel_image.jpg'); % Replace with your image path gray_img = rgb2gray(img); % Convert to grayscale enhanced_img = imadjust(gray_img); % Contrast enhancement % Binary image and skeletonization binary_img = imbinarize(enhanced_img); skeleton = bwmorph(binary_img, 'skel', Inf); % Display skeletonized image imshow(skeleton); title('Skeletonized Vessel Structure');
To achieve this:
MATLAB example:
% Label branch nodes and endpoints branch_points = bwmorph(skeleton, 'branchpoints'); end_points = bwmorph(skeleton, 'endpoints'); % Find connected components (segments) [labeled_segments, num_segments] = bwlabel(skeleton); % Calculate lengths branch_lengths = zeros(num_segments, 1); euclidean_lengths = zeros(num_segments, 1); for i = 1:num_segments % Extract individual segment segment = (labeled_segments == i); % Calculate actual length (number of pixels) branch_lengths(i) = sum(segment(:)); % Identify endpoints of the segment [rows, cols] = find(segment); endpoints = find(end_points & segment); if length(endpoints) == 2 [r1, c1] = ind2sub(size(segment), endpoints(1)); [r2, c2] = ind2sub(size(segment), endpoints(2)); % Calculate Euclidean distance euclidean_lengths(i) = sqrt((r2 - r1)^2 + (c2 - c1)^2); end end % Calculate tortuosity tortuosity = sum(branch_lengths) / sum(euclidean_lengths); fprintf('Tortuosity: %.2f\n', tortuosity);
Use bwlabel
or connected component analysis to label branches and overlay markings for nodes and branches.
MATLAB example:
% Mark branch nodes and endpoints imshow(skeleton); hold on; [y_branch, x_branch] = find(branch_points); plot(x_branch, y_branch, 'yo', 'MarkerSize', 10, 'LineWidth', 2); % Yellow branch nodes [y_end, x_end] = find(end_points); plot(x_end, y_end, 'ro', 'MarkerSize', 10, 'LineWidth', 2); % Red endpoints title('Branch Nodes (Yellow) and Endpoints (Red)'); hold off;
To improve accuracy:
bwmorph(img, 'spur', n)
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