
Time-stamped data in tabular form

timetable is a type of table that associates a time with each row. Like table, the timetable data type can store column-oriented data variables that have the same number of rows. All table functions work with timetables. In addition, timetables provide time-specific functions to align, combine, and perform calculations with one or more timetables. For more information, see Create Timetables or watch Managing Time-Stamped Tabular Data with Timetables.


timetable Timetable array with time-stamped rows and variables of different types
table2timetable Convert table to timetable
array2timetable Convert homogeneous array to timetable
timetable2table Convert timetable to table
istimetable Determine if input is timetable
summary Print summary of table, timetable, or categorical array

Basic Import and Export

readtimetable Create timetable from file
writetimetable Write timetable to file

Define Import Rules

detectImportOptions Create import options based on file content
spreadsheetImportOptions Import options object for Spreadsheets
getvaropts Get variable import options
setvaropts Set variable import options
setvartype Set variable data types
preview Preview eight rows from file using import options
head Get top rows of table, timetable, or tall array
tail Get bottom rows of table, timetable, or tall array
timerange Time range for timetable row subscripting
withtol Time tolerance for timetable row subscripting
vartype Subscript into table or timetable by variable type
unique Unique values in array
sortrows Sort rows of matrix or table
retime Resample or aggregate data in timetable, and resolve duplicate or irregular times
synchronize Synchronize timetables to common time vector, and resample or aggregate data from input timetables
lag Time-shift data in timetable
containsrange Determine if timetable row times contain specified time range
overlapsrange Determine if timetable row times overlap specified time range
withinrange Determine if timetable row times are within specified time range
isregular Determine if timetable is regular with respect to time or calendar unit
ismissing Find missing values
standardizeMissing Insert standard missing values
rmmissing Remove missing entries
fillmissing Fill missing values
stackedplot Stacked plot of several variables with common x-axis

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Machine Learning in MATLAB

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Design of Experiments

Machine Learning Models

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Linear Regression

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Linear Regression 4

Nonlinear Regression

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Visualizing Multivariate Data

Generalized Linear Models

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RegressionTree class

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Neural networks

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